[명산ㆍ계곡] 경수산 ((Mt. )Gyongsusan)
  • 등록일1999-01-07
  • 작성자 / 안**
  • 조회13840
경수산은 노령산맥의 끝인 전라북도 고창군 아산면에 있는 해발 444m의 나즈막한 산으로 호남의 내금강이라 불리우며 일명 도솔산이라고 한다. 느티나무, 졸참나무, 신갈나무 등 울창한 수림으로 덮인 선운사를 중심으로 폭 30m, 길이 1km에 이르는 동백나무 숲이 늦은 봄을 붉게 물들인다. 1979년에 도립공원으로 지정관리되고 있다.

(Mt. )Gyongsusan, located at the tip of (Mt. )Noryeongsan range in Asan-myeon, Gochang-gun of Jeollabk-do, is a elatively low mountain of 444m high above the sea level, and has been called as Naekeumkang of the Honam region and nicknamed as (Mt. )Tosolsan, the heavenly mountain.
Around Seonunsa(temple) that is surrounded by thick forests of Zelkova tree, Oriental white oak, and Mongolian oak, there is Common Camellia forest that is 30m wide and 1km long and turns into the scarlet forest in the late spring. This mountain was designated as a Provincial Park in 1979 and since then has been managed for the purpose.
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